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Chilli Factory The Paralyser chile extract 15gm

I am over 18 and hearby agree and affirm to the SuperHot Product Waiver (required for purchase) Read more
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WARNING: Extremely hot! 10.2 Million Scoville Heat Units to be exact!

The Paralyser, For Chilli Junkies Only!!!

Box contains:
Chilli Extract 15 gms
Warning List
Safety Gloves
Toothpicks for serving!

Please use with caution and very seriously:
Do not use if you have a respiratory or a heart condition.
Do not get in your eyes, on your skin, or on your clothing.
This product should only be used as a food additive
Product contains capsaicin oil and is an irritant.
Use with caution tiny drop by tiny drop!
Keep well out of the reach of children and mentally impaired people)

You must be 18+ years or over to use this product.
You must read and acknowledge our SuperHot Product Waiver.

On consumption of this product, you may experience:
Severe stomach cramps
Burning Ring Syndrome
Light hallucinations
Body shakes

How to use product:
Always wear gloves and protective clothing
Use toothpick provided and dip carefully in extract then carefully swirl toothpick through food

PLEASE USE CAREFULLY and start with just a micron amount as you can always add more if required.

Store in a safe place away from children and mentally impaired people.

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