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Seeds - Maize Corn Oaxacan Green

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These stunning ears of corn produce deeply dented kernels ranging from emerald green through to yellow-green with many shades in between.

Grown for centuries in southern Mexico by Zapatec Indians to make a regional favourite green-flour tamale. Or just grow to use the cobs in gorgeous displays.

15cm-25cm ears are carried on 1.6m-1.8m plants. 75-105

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Seed count varies ranging from 20-30 seeds per pack depending on supplier - please call ahead for confirmation.

Nixtamalising is an ancient method of soaking the dry kernels in a solution of water and slaked lime (calcium hydroxide).

Lime can be substituted with hardwood ash or even baking soda.

Please note: grow sweet corn isolated from maize corn as they can cross pollinate.
Corn is also best grown in blocks rather than single rows for good wind pollination.

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