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Heat level : 5

Dirty Dicks Peachy Green Hot Sauce 148ml (5oz)

Heat level : 5
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Out of Vermont is Dirty Dick's amazing hot sauce made with all natural ingredients.

Dirty Dick's Peachy Green Ambrosia Hot Pepper Sauce is a blend of Farm Fresh Serrano & Jalapeno peppers, sun ripened peaches perfectly blended with honey, vanilla, lemon, lime and pineapple juices, brown sugar, fresh ground spices and.... wait for it - Saffron!!

The result is a great sauce which happily pairs with prawns, fish tacos, chicken and pork. Or add pineapple to a burger and splash of Dirty Dicks for a truly tropical affair.

Ingredients: serrano & jalapeno peppers, peaches, bell peppers, vinegar, fresh scallions, honey, lemon, lime and pineapple juices, brown sugar, exotic spices, vanilla and saffron.

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