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Heat level : 4

Melindas Spicy Red Pepper Pizza Condiment 355ml

Heat level : 4
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Melinda's philosophy is simple. Heat and Flavor mean everything. In Melinda’s Kitchen, Pizza Hot Sauce is crafted by smoothly blending sweet red peppers and spicy red Cayenne peppers with garlic, making it the perfect hot sauce for pizza. You get all the flavor without the flakes!

Melinda’s Pizza Hot Sauce: Say no to dry, stale pepper flakes and seeds! Melinda’s makes the perfect pepper sauce for drizzling on pizza.

Spicy but not too hot. It adds just the right amount of heat and zest to pizza.

USES: Pizza, Calzones, Meatballs, and Marinara! It’s made for pizza but it is really a great all-purpose hot sauce.

Review:  "Awesome flavor, definately all the taste of red pepper flakes without the seeds, I totally get it! This sauce is just mildly spicy with a great red pepper flavor & color! It’s a great addition to chili’s, sloppy joes, tacos, eggs, & spicy pizza combos."

Ingredients: Cayenne pepper mash, white vinegar, water, sweet pepper mash, tomato puree, white onion, garlic, red pepper flakes, salt, xanthan gum.

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