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Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia) - whole pods

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Ghost Pepper / Bhut Jolokia (capsicum chinense) whole dried pods:

One of the ultimate “Superhots”. In 2007 the Guinness Book of World Records verified that the Bhut Jolokia was the “Hottest Pepper in the World” reaching just over 1 million SHU (scoville heat units). Red color, roughish, thin skin.

In India, it is smeared on fences to keep Elephants at bay which makes it a great eco way to keep mammals away from your precious plants.  Mix into a spray for your plants.

For challenge fans, this pepper will give you a hard time.  But despite that, the high heat level is balanced by a pleasant fruity flavour which has many culinary applications.

6 grams will yield approx 6-8 pods.

Use with care!!!

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