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Heat level : 6

Melindas Fire Roasted Garlic and Habanero Hot Sauce 355ml

Heat level : 6
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Heat and flavor mean everything. In Melinda’s Kitchen, Fire Roasted Garlic, Habanero peppers, and sweet red bell peppers are slow-roasted over an open fire. The roasting process caramelizes the natural sugars bringing about an amazing depth of flavor that can be described as sweet, savory, rich, and fiery. The roasting process intensifies the heat of the already fiery habanero. This sauce is a masterpiece.

Melinda’s Fire Roasted Garlic & Habanero Pepper Sauce: Roasted garlic, red bell peppers, and Habanero pepper star in this complex and delectable sauce.

A slow-roasting process enhances the heat and adds an unmatched savor profile that is richly satisfying.

USES: This exquisite sauce is phenomenal on tacos, burritos, and quesadillas, however, its uses limitless as it makes food more scrumptious and truly mouthwatering.

Ingredients: Roasted pepper mix (roasted Habanero pepper, roasted sweet pepper), white vinegar, water, roasted garlic, lime juice, passion fruit pulp, salt, xanthan gum, citric acid.

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